Monday, April 20, 2020

Rainy day

This past week it's been raining off and on. I love this kind of weather, love it much more than the sunny hot days. The rainy weather makes for some good pictures too. I wish the skies could always look like this. 


  1. My wife loves the rain and cloudy days. She hates the sunny days but here we don't get many days with the sun. Look like the rain is heading your way.
    Enjoy your day!

    1. Haha sounds like her and I would get along. The rain came but of course never lasts long here.

  2. I do love it when it rains here. It just doesn't happen often enough.

  3. Wow! What a fabulous picture!!!! Now that we're mostly inside these days, I'm okay with rainy days, but if I have to go out in it, I can't say it's as fun(lol) Stay safe and sending some air hugs your way. RO

    1. I completely understand, I love my rainy days but I don't like driving in the rain. You stay safe as well!

  4. I am a big, big fan of clouds (and rain) too. Those sre dramatic and lovely photos.

  5. I've been to Vegas four times and it never rained once!

    1. You gotta come right when summer is starting lol

  6. Rainy days are not my cup of tea, although where I live we badly need the rain. Even if I don't go out on a rainy day, still it puts me in a bad mood.

    1. I'm the complete opposite, sunny days put me in a bad mood haha

  7. Rainy days are not my cup of tea, although where I live we badly need the rain. Even if I don't go out on a rainy day, still it puts me in a bad mood.

  8. Death is always sad, whether natural or suspicious.
    Good Luck to your daughter with her blog! It looks very promising!

  9. I enjoy a nice rain storm but our older dog gets scared of it's too much thunder. This morning was perfect though. Light Sunday rain. Heaven.

    1. Our dog gets scared of the thunder too lol poor babies

  10. I love it when th skies look all wild from storms or rain!

  11. We're having a rainy week but it's been nice. It knocked the pollen down and is making the spring flowers bloom.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth


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